Snail Mobile Privacy Policy


Century Snail Communication Technology Co., Ltd (Snail Mobile) concerns about your personal information very much, and is critical on the protection of it. Please read this article carefully before you use the products and services that Snail Mobile offers.


This article will include the following content:

  1. How we collect and handle your Personal Information.
  2. How we Use Cookie and similar Techniques.
  3. How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information.
  4. How we protect your personal information.
  5. Your Rights.
  6. How do we handle minors' personal information.
  7. How your personal information is transferred worldwide.
  8. How this policy gets updated.
  9. How to Contact us.


  1. How we collect and handle your personal information.


Personal information, refers to various information that is recorded as data or in other forms, and is able to be used independently or with other information to identify individuals or reflect the information of their activities.

Refer to this Policy, Snail Mobile will collect and utilize your personal information only for the purposes described below.


1.1  In order to offer better services to you, Snail Mobile will comply three principles and they are Legitimacy, Just and Necessity respectively, to collect your personal information according to the relevant legal provisions and your agreement. The information mainly includes:

1.1.1  The Information that you offer.

At the time that you register to become our customer or use our services, the relevant personal information, including account name, head portrait, gender, birthday, telephone No., e-mail and etc.

1.1.2  The information that is generated in the period that you use the services.

At the time that you use our services, the following information will be possibly obtained by us:

(1) Log Information

It refers to the technical information that is automatically collected by cookies, web beacon or other ways that system uses when you use our services, including:

  1. Device or Software Information, such as configuration information, your IP address and the versions and the device unique codes of your mobile devices. These information will be offered by your mobile devices, web browsers or other programs you use to access our services.
  2. The information that you search or browse when you use our services, such as the key words you search, the pages you visit and other information that you browse or require to offer at the time that you are using our services.

(2) Location Information

It refers to the information that is relevant to your location and we obtain it when you have enabled the location function on your devices and are using the relevant services we offer based on Location. For example, if you use mobile devices that have location function to access our service, your geographical location information will be collected by us through GPS, WIFI and etc. You are able to turn off location function to prevent our collection towards your location information at any time. However, it may lead to unavailability of some functions or services based on location.

(3) Order Information

It refers to the records that are generated when you subscribe membership, communication services, comics, derivatives and other virtual or physical products, such as subscription history, purchase history and etc.

(4)  Other Information

It refers to the information that is necessary for us to collect when you are using products of Snail Mobile, such that you are able to use specific services we offer. For example, if you need SMS Verification when you use our services, we will read your SMS Information.

1.1.3  The information about you, that is shared by third parties

In order to offer services to you, we will possibly obtain the information relevant to you from affiliated companies, business partners or other third-party resources. For example, when you use the services from third parties in the products of Snail Mobile, the information that you offer will be possibly forwarded to us. You authorize us to obtain relevant information from third parties indirectly such that we can deal with your order. We will confirm the legitimacy of the resources where your personal information comes from according to our agreement with third parties. This kind of information will be used by us under the premise of relevant laws and regulations.


1.2  Your personal information will be possibly collected for the purposes described below:

1.2.1  In order to offer services to you

(1)  When we offer services, the information is used for Identity Verification, Customer Services, Safety Precaution, Archives and Backup to ensure the security of products and services that we offer to you.

(2)  By means of information analysis, the information helps us design new services and improve the services that we currently have.

(3)  Let us know more about how you use our services, such that your personalized needs such as Language set up, Location set up and individualized Help services and instructions, are fulfilled targeted.

(4)  Provide the advertisements you are following instead of the general ones to you. The information will be possibly used by us to send emails, SMS or notifications to you when you use our services. If you do not want to receive these messages, you are able to cancel the subscription according to the relevant instructions that we offer.

(5)  Evaluate the effect of the advertisements and other promotion and publicity events, and ameliorate it.

(6)  Software Authentication or Management Software upgrade.

(7)  Let you participate the investigations about our products and services.

1.2.2  After collecting your personal information, we will de-identify the data by technical means. The data after de-identication will not be able to be used to recognize the subject. Please understand and consent, we have rights to use de-identified information under this condition. Meanwhile, we have rights to implement holistic analysis and application (including commercial use) on the data base that includes your personal information.

1.2.3  Your consent will be asked before we use the information by the means other than the ones described in this policy.

1.2.4  You fully aware that, under the conditions described below, your personal information is able to be used without your consent in advance.

(1)  Directly relate to national defense and security.

(2)  Directly relate to public safety, public health and major public interest.

(3)  Directly relate to criminal investigation, lawsuit, adjudgement and judgement enforcement.

(4)  In order to defend the subject of the personal information or health, property and other significant legal rights of other individuals, meanwhile the approval of individual is hard to obtain.

(5)  The collected personal information is initiatively disclosed publicly by the subject of it.

(6)  Collect your personal information from legally and publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

(7)  Is Indispensable for the conclusion of the contracts according to your requirements.

(8)  Is Indispensable for the maintenance of the offered products or services in order to operate them safely, such as discover and handle the breakdowns of the products or services.

(9)  Is indispensable for legal news reports.

(10)  Is indispensable for academic institutions to develop statistics or academic research based on public interest. Meanwhile, when the research or described results are provided to the public, the personal information that is included in it will be after de-identification.

(11)  Other conditions that are under the premise of laws and regulations.


  1. How we Use Cookie and similar Techniques.


2.1  Cookie

In order to ensure the proper operation of Snail Mobile products, we will store little data files named Cookie in your computers and mobile devices. Cookie usually includes identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. By means of Cookie, we are able to know about your interests and habits.


Help us learn about your preferences for products and services and improve our customer service. A web beacon is a transparent graphic image embedded in a website or in an email. We use pixel tags in emails to find out whether an email has been opened. You can unsubscribe from the Snail mailing list at any time if you do not want to be tracked in this manner.


2.3 Do Not Track

Certain web browsers may allow you to enable a "do not track" option that sends signals to the websites you visit indicating that you do not want your online activities tracked. Right now, there is no industry standard for how companies should respond to "do not track" signals, although one may be adopted in the future. We do not respond to "do not track" signals at this time. If we do so in the future, we will modify this Privacy Policy accordingly.


  1. How do we Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information


3.1 Share

We will not share your personal information with any company, organization or individual other than Snail Mobile Technology Co., Ltd., except as follows:

1. Sharing with explicit consent: we will share your personal information with other parties upon your explicit consent.

2. We may share your personal information externally in accordance with laws and regulations, or compulsory requirements put forward by government authorities or judicial authorities.

3. Sharing with our affiliates: your personal information may be shared with our affiliates:

To provide and maintain the Service;

To provide analysis or valuable information so that we can improve the Service;

To protect and defend the rights or property of our affiliates;

To protect the personal safety of users of the Service or the public;

We only share the necessary personal information and are bound by the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. If the affiliate company wants to change the purpose of processing personal information, it will ask for your authorization again;

Our affiliated companies include any company, institution, or legal representative of a company or institution that Century Snail Communication Technology Co., Ltd. is controlled, controlled, or will control, or under common control with; As well as the parent company of Century Snail Communication Technology Co., Ltd. and any company or organization under its control and the legal heirs of the company or organization. "Control" refers to the ability to directly or indirectly influence the management of the company mentioned, whether through ownership, voting shares, contracts or other legally recognized methods.

4. Sharing with authorized partners: some of our services will be provided by authorized partners only for the purposes stated in this privacy policy. We may share some of your personal information with our partners to provide better customer service and user experience. For example, when you purchase physical goods or order business on our products, we have to share your personal information with the logistics service provider to arrange delivery or arrange partners to provide services. We will only share your personal information for lawful, justifiable, necessary, specific and specific purposes and will only share the personal information necessary to provide the service. Our partners are not authorized to use the shared personal information for any other purpose.

At present, our authorized partners are classified into the following three types:

A. Suppliers, service providers and other partners. We will send information to suppliers, service providers and other partners who support our business globally in providing technical infrastructure services, analyzing the usage of our services, measuring the effectiveness of advertisements and services, providing customer services, facilitating payments, or conducting academic research and investigation.

B. Third-party merchants. We must share your order information with the necessary information about the transaction with third-party merchants to fulfill the need to purchase goods/services from them and to enable them to complete follow-up after-sales services.

C. Authorized partners for advertising and analysis services. Unless we have obtained your permission, we will not share your personal identification information (i.e. information through which you can be contacted or identified, such as name or e-mail) with partners providing advertising and analysis services. We will only provide such partners with information related to advertising coverage and effectiveness instead of your personal identification information, or we will summarize all personnel information so that you will not be identified.

We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with the companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, to require them to treat personal information in compliance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.


3.2 Transfer

We will never transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual, except as follows:

1. Transfer with explicit consent: we will transfer your personal information upon your explicit consent.

2. If transfer of personal information is involved in merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, we will request the new company or organization which holds your personal information to continue to follow this Privacy Policy; otherwise, we will request the company or organization to ask for your authorization again.


3.3 Public Disclosure

We only disclose your personal information publicly in the following cases:

1. Your explicit consent is obtained;

2. Law-based disclosure: We may disclose your personal information publicly as required by laws, legal procedures, litigation or government authorities.


4. How we protect your personal information


4.1 Period of information retention

We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Statement unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. After you have voluntarily canceled your account, we will only retain your personal information until the required period for the purpose of collection, while observing the data retention period stipulated by applicable law. We will no longer commercialize your personal information. Once the retention period expires, we will delete or anonymize your personal data, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.


4.2 Where we store information

We will store users personal information collected in the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We will only transfer your personal information outside the People's Republic of China in the circumstances described in 3.1.4, Item A of this policy. If cross-border transmission is required, we will obtain your authorized consent separately.


4.3 Information Security

1. We shall collect, process, store and transfer user information under the principle of "minimization", and inform you of the purpose and scope to use your information via Privacy Policy. We will strictly follow relevant requirements of laws and regulations, establish an information security management system, and take technical measures and other necessary measures to protect the security of your personal information.

Relevant requirements of laws and regulations: People's Republic of China Cyber Security Law. Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on strengthening the network information protection. Regulations for the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunication and Internet Users (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Order No. 24). Regulations for Registration of Real Identity Information of Telephone Users (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Order No. 25).


2. We use a variety of security measures to protect your information against loss, improper use, unauthorized access or disclosure. For example,

We will use encryption technologies to protect your personal information;

We will apply trusted protection mechanisms to preventing data from malicious attack;

We provide supporting service for products with secure access;

We have established a specialized management, process and organization system to ensure information security;

We strictly restrict the scope of personnel who can access information, and require them to comply with their confidentiality obligations and conduct audits;

We will organize security and privacy protection training courses to strengthen employees' awareness of the importance of personal information protection.


3. We will do our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send us, as the Internet environment is not absolutely safe. Please understand that due to technical limitations and the various malicious means that may possibly exist, even if we do everything we can to strengthen security measures, we cannot always guarantee 100% security.


4. In the event of a breach of security incident of personal information, we will activate emergency response plan to prevent the expansion of such security incident, we will promptly inform you as required by laws and regulations of: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you to prevent and reduce risk autonomously and remedies for you, etc.. We will promptly inform you of everything about the incident in the form of email, letter, and phone and push notifications and etc., and make public announcements in a reasonable and effective manner when it is difficult to notify the subjects of individual information one by one. Furthermore, we will take the initiative to report the handling of personal information security incidents as required by regulatory authorities.


5. Your Rights


5.1 Check and correct your personal information

1You can log in your personal account at any time to access or edit personal information, change password, etc. Whenever you use snail mobile product, we aim to provide you with service to check your personal web browser viewing history, search history, upload content, order information, etc.

2If you passed user authentication and the correction does not affect the objectivity and accuracy of the information, you have the right to make corrections or updates to the wrong or incomplete information. You can make correction in the snail mobile product by yourself, or submit the correction through feedback or customer service.


5.2 Delete personal information

You can delete or clear information on our product and/or service interface, including browsing history, ordering information, collection information, etc. You can submit a request to delete personal information in the following situation:

1If our handing of personal information violates laws and regulations;
2If we collect and use your personal information without obtaining your consent;
3If our handling of personal information violates the agreement with you;

4If you no longer use our products or services, or you cancel your account;

5If we no longer provide products or services for you.
After you delete information from our service, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information in the backup system, but will delete it when the backup is updated.


5.3 Withdraw consent

Each business function needs some basic personal information to complete. You may at any time grant or withdraw your authorization consent for the collection and use of additional personal information collected.

1You can change the scope of your authorization for us to continue to collect personal information or withdraw your authorization by deleting information, turning off device functions, setting privacy settings on the snail mobile website or software (the specific settings are based on the specific snail mobile product page Presentation shall prevail). You can also withdraw your full authorization to continue collecting your personal information by canceling your account.

2After you withdraw your consent or authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawal of your consent or authorization, and will no longer process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the processing of personal information that was previously carried out based on your consent or authorization.

5.4 Cancel account

After you cancel your account, we will stop providing products or services for you, and delete your personal information according to your requirements, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.


6. How do we handle minors' personal information.


6.1 We attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor under 14 years old, before using our services, we recommend that you ask your guardian to read this privacy policy carefully and obtain the consent of your parent or legal guardian in advance. We will protect minors' personal information in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.


6.2 In the case of collecting personal information of minors with the consent of parents or legal guardians, we will only use or publicly disclose this information as permitted by law, parents or guardians expressly agree or protect minors as necessary.


6.3 If we find that we have collected the personal information of minors without the prior consent of a verifiable parent or legal guardian, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.


7. How your personal information is transferred worldwide


Globally In principle, the personal information we collect and generate in the People's Republic of China will be stored in the People's Republic of China. We will only transfer your personal information outside the People's Republic of China in the circumstances described in Article 3 (1), Item 4, A of this policy, and otherwise transfer your personal information outside the country if necessary , We will get your authorized consent separately. In this case, we will follow this policy to ensure that your personal information is adequately protected.


8. How this policy gets updated


8.1 Our personal information protection policy may change. Without your express consent, we will not reduce your rights under this personal information protection policy.


8.2 We will post any changes to this policy in the form of website and APP notices. In this case, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised privacy policy.


8.3 If there is no special instructions, the revised privacy policy will take effect from the date of publication.


9. How to contact us


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this personal information protection policy, you can contact us at any time by dialing customer service phone numbers, logging in to the website, etc., we will actively verify, process and reply as soon as possible.

Ps1: Definition and noun explanation

Snail Mobile: Century Snail Communication Technology Co., Ltd

Snail Mobile Product: Snail store, Free+ and other websites or apps.

Personal information refers to Various types of information recorded in electronic or other ways that can be used, alone or in combination with other information, to identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect his/her activities. Personal information includes name, date of birth, ID number, personal biometric information, address, communication and communication contact, communication records and content, account password, property information, credit information, whereabouts, transaction information, etc.

Personal sensitive information refers to personal information that, once leaked, illegally provided or misused, may endanger the safety of persons and property, easily lead to damage to personal reputation, physical and mental health, or discriminatory treatment. Personal sensitive information includes ID number, personal biometric information, bank account number, communication records and content, property information, credit information, whereabouts, accommodation information, health and physiological information, transaction information, individuals under 14 years old (inclusive) Information etc.

User profile refers to the process of forming or analyzing personal characteristics of a specific natural person by collecting, aggregating, and analyzing personal information, such as occupation, economy, health, education, personal preferences, credit, behavior, etc. . The personal information of a specific natural person is directly used to form a characteristic model of the natural person, which is called a direct user portrait. The use of personal information other than a specific natural person, such as the data of the group, to form a characteristic model of the natural person is called an indirect user portrait.

De-identification refers to the process of technically processing personal information so that the main body of personal information cannot be identified and the processed information cannot be recovered. The information obtained after de-identification of personal information is not personal information.

Ps2: Hotline of Related Products Customer Service

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